Walking Through trees
Plant Species used in the design
Under the Instruction of Chris Matthews | Spring 2015
Independent Project
To create a gradient of porosity across the landscape using varying species of trees (2 deciduous: Green Ash and American Sweetgum, and an evergreen: Pitch Pine) that changes throughout the seasons. Green Ash usually is the first tree specie to change color and lose its leaves, and an evergreen specie would retain its leaves. Naturally, the Sweetgum would be the median specie between the two. The grids are also used to play with the density and porosity of the foliage. The Pitch Pine zone would appear more porous when the two deciduous trees have their leaves as the zone’s tree spacing would be about 18 meters apart. During the fall and winter seasons, the Green Ash and Sweetgum would appear more porous, despite the tree spacings are closer in proximity from each other (9 and ~13.5 meters, respectively).
Striated Forest
Seasonal Changes
Forest Clumps
Seasonal Changes