Bass wood and acrylic model of the dwelling
Under the Instructions of Mark Donohue, and Kristen Sidell | Fall 2008
Pacifica, CA
Independent Projects: Conceptual Design through the studies of Wood Deterioration, and the seamless connection between the Real and the Virtual
Through understanding the morphological transformation of wood, by deterioration, the cellulose’s merging voids were used as the design scheme of the dwelling. With subtraction comes addition, and as the wood loses its volume within, comes the growth of moss, which becomes a “softener.” This “softener” provides the different typologies, which serve the different programatic elements within the dwelling; such as providing comfort for resting and other necessary furnishings.
The merging voids create the different levels of transparency for public and private spaces, where the dwelling is completely open abstractly references the complete deterioration of wood, and where the cellulose is the original state of the wood. The enclosed cellulose create the more intimate and private spaces such as bedrooms and bathrooms.
Process sketch models in the exploration of the concept of "deterioration"
Conceptual model of the connection between the real and the virtual realms, shaped basswood model